Thursday, July 5, 2012

blue 'ly yours...

Five days into the month of my 'blue' July 2012, I find myself in awesome wonder of my God and my footsteps in every day life on this earth. 

Independently, this season in my life has been one of great joy, creativity and tremendous, overwhelming peace and freedom.  As I reflect on my exodus year, change and movement have flowed much like the tide.  As I write, I am grateful for the discernment and embrace of these changes, and I welcome all the more to come.

This blog was started as a beginning process to a book idea among myself and three very dear friends.  While the writing between us has ceased, each of us have taken to storylines that we could not have written ourselves. Therefore, my musings in this space have shifted.  Now, it is my desire to present an ever-evolving display and account of characters, places and specific experiences relating to adventures that not only involve my story- but the sparks that fuel my story. This will include spotlights on specific friends and their talents, emphasis on encouragement and love, and articles in correlation between those people in my life and those intentional acts of spiritual duty.

Tomorrow, July 6th will be the first posting in relation to the new format. I am excited to present to you the first article in what I hope to be an on-going series of focus on my beautiful friends who are rising to their potential of giving their gifts and talents to the world.  As always, thank you for reading...


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Two Oh No Roo Twelve

We started in oh six

Our gonga goo balls and bags of


er, I mean vitamin h20 and doubleshots.

A bit naïve, but we weren’t phased

We pitched our tent in the Manchester haze,

And began a lifetime of memories in the sunlight.


Through oh seven and eight

With changing twenty-something aches

Thank you Lily, Regina, Raconteurs and Ben

Thank you Avetts’, Kings’ and Lips’ zen,

We can’t name all the bands

The dirt and mud led us to…

Thank you Pearl Jam and Dan

Thank you for our banana bread,

VIP and showers, a novelty.

No nine, but we pined

For pre-food truck tastes and organic vine

Awaiting the new decade with great fervor.

The Bonnaroo Void is completely different than just a plain old void.

We longed for jams in all kinds of weather-

Hot, hot, hot, at times, in a sweaty tether

But always feeling the soul of the fest.


Thank you Brandi, Patty, Tori, Grace!

Florence, Mumford, Ray- so so sweet-

Can’t forget John, Kris, Miranda- crammed in grassy space-

Our beloved shroom fountain changing shapes,

and flip flop outlined dirty feet!

Our story never to be a boring tale.

We’ll take our young one day,

To that farm an hour and a half away

Celebrating our very own unique song in sail.

As we give up twelve and sacrifice

Our comfy spot in paradise,

The Roo abides, the Roo beckons,

The Roo What? Which? That? This?

May our favorite tent rock out and

All the thousands stand in bliss

Loving the Roo,

JUST as much

As La La and Chicken do.

Woo .hoo. Bonnaroo.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

May Day

Renovations at my family's log cabin. Original building is over 200 years old.

It is May 1st, 2012.

I stare at my keyboard, and my eyes are wet. A random song just played on the radio and it made me think of another reason I get to sit here.

I sit here, and I am free.

I am free.  I can get up and go to the restroom.  I can walk to
whichever one I choose- the closer one or the one farther away.  I can
use my cell phone, even though I hate talking on it.  I can get
frustrated because my battery overheats from my constant streaming of internet radio throughout the day on my phone.  I can become depressed, feeling as if my life isn’t always in line with my TRUE purpose.  I can get paranoid because I am supposed to be working on something that does not relate to this message I am typing...

Two years ago, I didn’t know that when I would wake up the next morning, I would be trying to save things in my house that I thought I couldn’t live without.  Two years ago, I didn’t know that exactly a year later, I would be crying in Centennial Park after getting a call from my mom saying that my Poppaw Aubrey had passed away.  Two years ago, I didn’t know I would be sitting here today- free.   I didn’t know;  we never know…

I am free, and more grateful than I have ever been in my life.  I am
grateful I don’t know what’s coming.  I am grateful I am not the same
person I was two years ago.  My life as a Nashvillian and as an
American- but even more importantly, as a Spiritually driven being,
has completely changed.  My life has changed and I am so grateful.  It
is my prayer to continue to see Light and Love in every person I
encounter.  It is my prayer to have the courage and faith to open up
my arms and eyes, embracing the changes to come.  As soon as you
understand that God is there and will take care of you no matter what
the circumstance, it's as if you are almost looking forward to the
next battle- the next change.  As soon as you love beyond expectation
and circumstance, you begin to see a greater view of the freedom you
have in your life.

Today I remember.  I remember Josh Harris and what a legacy he left
behind. As our president visits Afghanistan, I am sure Josh’s friends
and his memory will be reflected upon with esteemed valor.  I remember
my dear Poppaw Aubrey, who would most likely have wished our newly
renovated cabin in the woods to stay its old self.  BUT, would smile
with a twinkle in his eyes at all the “new” pristineness anyway- just
because it has been a labor of love for his children- whom he loved
more than just about anything.  I remember all the hands who worked on
the Harpeth and all the love poured into its walls, floors, in and
out sides. I remember how many prayers were said during that time in
my life and who prayed for me and with me.  I remember- not to embrace
the suffering, but to be grateful for the direct results of grace,
patience and joy- the outcome of the suffering.

Just another reason to know that my God is GOOD and loves us.  He truly does love you and me.

Rest and rejoice in that today- and be free, my friends.  Be free in knowing just that.

Still teary-eyed from the reflection this day brings. Yet remaining eternally love-filled- with a faith growing stronger with EACH day knowing I am free to reflect on the Lord’s love for us all.

Jennie Lee

To learn more about Josh Harris...

Aubrey Jewell Temple- My Poppaw's Legacy

Latest News on the Nashville Flood

Great Flood 2010

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

an attempt to the intentional...

Every Wednesday morning around 5am-ish, for the past four weeks, I have had to make the choice.  I get out of my warm bed and resist the temptation to get back in its comfortable envelope.  Sometimes I shower, other times I just throw on my yoga pants and pray I remember to grab the athletic top that has the built-in bra.  I warm up the little red clucker and scoot over to East Nashville for my hot yoga Rise N Shine class that starts at 6am.  The sun isn't up.  Most of the time, it's been raining.  All of the times, it's been cold. And I get there, go in and as my Grannie would say, "you little squirt, you were kicking and screaming bloody murder all the way there"...

By now, one would think that I would be somewhat in a routine.  The truth is, I am addicted.  I am addicted to the unruly, sporatic, un-schedule that has made up my life over the past two years.   Honestly, when I made the decision to take this six-week class, I was not trying to be responsible, I just wanted to feel good.  I actively signed up to actively feel better about the person known as Jennie Lee Frank.  Who was she? Yep, I knew that.  Who does she think she is? Yep, knew that too. Will she continue to write about what she wills to do or will she write about what she is actively persuing? Will she be active in her growing process, willingly be ready to accept the challenges and actually have something to write about?

Answers?  Confusion?  Hmmm....

Today is not January 1st, but February 1st.  The last thirty-one days have been somewhat of a mental preparation to write this to the world today.  I didn't know what I was going to say, but I knew I would post something, today. Thank you for listening.  Thank you for being a part of my earthly journey.  I am not quite sure where I am going, but I have some ideas up my sleeve. Geez, I can be vague, huh...

Psalm 119:160a All your words are true...

I am on a mission for truth.  That is all.  I am searching for greater Love and Truth in myself, in my relationships, and in my Spiritual journey.  It is the only consistent "thing" that I can really rely on.  I can yearn for Sunday morning, being fed for an hour or two.  I can fall madly in love with people, places and memories that last my lifetime. Hey, I can even yearn for Wednesday mornings- but not as consistently as I can be IN truth with GREAT love every single minute of my life.  My soul longs for it.  My Spirit feeds on it.

Here I am, Truth. I am as ready as I can be. Come and get me.  Oh my God-  here I am!!

Kicking and screaming bloody murder (oh Grannie, how I love you)...
t.l.c. (tidy little chicken)

Psalm 63:3-4 (NIV)

3 Because your love is better than life,
   my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live,
   and in your name I will lift up my hands.

The very purpose of spirituality is self-discipline. Rather than criticizing others, we should evaluate and criticize ourselves. Ask yourself, what am I doing about my anger, my attachment, my pride, my jealousy? These are the things we should check in our day to day lives. ~ Dalai Lama

Living with integrity means: Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships. Asking for what you want and need from others. Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe. ~ Barbara De Angelis