Wednesday, February 1, 2012

an attempt to the intentional...

Every Wednesday morning around 5am-ish, for the past four weeks, I have had to make the choice.  I get out of my warm bed and resist the temptation to get back in its comfortable envelope.  Sometimes I shower, other times I just throw on my yoga pants and pray I remember to grab the athletic top that has the built-in bra.  I warm up the little red clucker and scoot over to East Nashville for my hot yoga Rise N Shine class that starts at 6am.  The sun isn't up.  Most of the time, it's been raining.  All of the times, it's been cold. And I get there, go in and as my Grannie would say, "you little squirt, you were kicking and screaming bloody murder all the way there"...

By now, one would think that I would be somewhat in a routine.  The truth is, I am addicted.  I am addicted to the unruly, sporatic, un-schedule that has made up my life over the past two years.   Honestly, when I made the decision to take this six-week class, I was not trying to be responsible, I just wanted to feel good.  I actively signed up to actively feel better about the person known as Jennie Lee Frank.  Who was she? Yep, I knew that.  Who does she think she is? Yep, knew that too. Will she continue to write about what she wills to do or will she write about what she is actively persuing? Will she be active in her growing process, willingly be ready to accept the challenges and actually have something to write about?

Answers?  Confusion?  Hmmm....

Today is not January 1st, but February 1st.  The last thirty-one days have been somewhat of a mental preparation to write this to the world today.  I didn't know what I was going to say, but I knew I would post something, today. Thank you for listening.  Thank you for being a part of my earthly journey.  I am not quite sure where I am going, but I have some ideas up my sleeve. Geez, I can be vague, huh...

Psalm 119:160a All your words are true...

I am on a mission for truth.  That is all.  I am searching for greater Love and Truth in myself, in my relationships, and in my Spiritual journey.  It is the only consistent "thing" that I can really rely on.  I can yearn for Sunday morning, being fed for an hour or two.  I can fall madly in love with people, places and memories that last my lifetime. Hey, I can even yearn for Wednesday mornings- but not as consistently as I can be IN truth with GREAT love every single minute of my life.  My soul longs for it.  My Spirit feeds on it.

Here I am, Truth. I am as ready as I can be. Come and get me.  Oh my God-  here I am!!

Kicking and screaming bloody murder (oh Grannie, how I love you)...
t.l.c. (tidy little chicken)

Psalm 63:3-4 (NIV)

3 Because your love is better than life,
   my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live,
   and in your name I will lift up my hands.

The very purpose of spirituality is self-discipline. Rather than criticizing others, we should evaluate and criticize ourselves. Ask yourself, what am I doing about my anger, my attachment, my pride, my jealousy? These are the things we should check in our day to day lives. ~ Dalai Lama

Living with integrity means: Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships. Asking for what you want and need from others. Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe. ~ Barbara De Angelis