Tuesday, October 13, 2009

window up, fast food down

I just took a trip to McD's in the rain. The weather has been funky over the past month and I am hoping and praying that tomorrow night will be rain-less for our concert going. (My sweetie and I are going to see Widespread Panic and the Allman Brothers at Riverfront Park in downtown Nashvegas!)

So, back to the trip to McD's. I decide to go in to order food to-go, due to the thunderchicken's desire to not allow me to roll down her automatic windows anymore. This has been an ongoing battle between Goldie and me ever since she came into my life. It is especially irritating when I go thru drive in windows, like the bank and well, fast food places. I've almost strangled myself while opening the door because the window won't roll down, but the automatic seat belts are working just fine.

I realized I don't go into fast food places much due to the lateness of my trips. It is usually a last resort after work when I don't have a choice. I realize this as I am trying to park in the lot at 8:30pm, and there are two spots right near the entrance. Much to my chagrin, both spots are blocked by the open doors of this massive SUV filled with twin girls named Madison and Savannah. Madison and Savannah's parents are on both sides of the car with all the doors opened, trying to get their kids out of said SUV.

I realize this isn't their fault they are blocking me from not one, but two parking spaces, really. I mean, how else are they going to get these one year olds out? There is really no other way. I shrug, pull into the parking spot farthest away from the entrance, and rush inside to finish my rainy evening excursion.

As I open the doors, there are employees everywhere, everywhere except the registers. Two are tidying up the dining area, one is sweeping the floor in front of the registers, and three are in the kitchen and drive thru pull-up. I stand in front of the counter, already having my order ready. The sweeper stops his closing duty and commits to standing behind the computer, expressionless, waiting. He waits for me to speak, barely even making eye contact with me. I don't get a "hi, welcome to fast food land" as I would in the drive thru. Oh I missed it already.

Then, the happy little sport utility family burst on the scene. The mother is already shouting at her daughters, the husband wants a cheeseburger with lettuce pickle and mustard, but scurries off to the bathroom, leaving the mom to order with the two girls running about the restaurant. I hastily order and step to the left, as to not block the register for it's next victim, uh, I mean customer.

"Excuse me, have you ordered yet?" I hear a voice behind me.


"Oh well I couldn't tell since you were just standing here."

Seriously lady, you have got to be kidding me. Take your late night eating youngins' to bed already and get your hubby to make a run for the border later. You'll all be happier, except either way, your stomach and your gut won't thank you in the morning. I hope her chicken mcnugget happy meals keep Madison and Savannah up all night.

I get my order, and am excited to get in my car- my squeaky Goldie with her fickle windows and automatic death belts. This is peace. I start her up and head for home. I am thankful I am not Madison and Savannah. I am thankful I am not the sweeper. I am thankful I am just me.

I arrive at my destination, and while telling my boyfriend what had just transpired, he opens up his delivery and discovers that they got my order wrong.

Maybe it's time to start cooking more at home...

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