Friday, February 26, 2010

He'll fix it...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 will go down as one of the lowest points of my life to date. Let's just hypothetically say I buried someone who I have imagined to be dead for quite some time. Not to sound overly dramatic, but it just had to be that way. I have mourned and cried for almost two months now. And I know an arm or leg will pop out of this mind-grave over the rest of my life, but even the ghost of this person will not haunt me anymore.

Having said that, Friday, February 26, 2010 seems to be getting extra bright. I just found out that my car's rear workings had about 20 more miles on them, and then I could have wound up in a REAL grave of my own. So, praise God! He has brought people into my existence to help me deal with my problems!! Praise Him for replacing a not so great help-mate, with several willing hands and kind hearts who will actually fix something for me, and not make it worse. Praise God for the ability to discern in the future who will help me and who will not. Praise God for meditation and praise God for REAL friends, not the ones who say they are your friends and then never show any interest to actually BE your friend. Praise God for the ones who see through me and understand my pain and brokenness and know exactly what to say to make me feel loved. Praise God for friends who will call you up just to pray with you. Praise God with thankful tears and an open heart. Praise God for the ever-present need to rebuild trust. Praise God in my single state. Praise God for being the ultimate Consoler of the lonely.

Praise God. He will fix it all. Trust me. I know.

He who loves, never grows old. God is a shining example. You may feel that in this world, some people are very bad. But by feeling that a person is very bad or by hating that person, are you gaining anything? That particular person has not gained anything from your hatred. And what have you done? By hating that person, you have lost something very sweet in yourself. Why should one lose something very precious of her own, just because she wants to correct someone by hating him? In this world, we have to be very wise. You will say that he is very bad and that you have to do something. But hating is not the right instrument. If you want to use the right weapon, the most effective weapon will be love. - Sri Chinmoy

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